“a Holocaust Game”

The Mechanic is the Message, a critically acclaimed analog game series by Brenda Romero, captures and expresses difficult experiences through the medium of a game.

Jedna z tych gier to Train.

Train explores complicity within systems. It also asks two questions, “Will people blindly follow the rules?” and “Will people stand by and watch?”

Gra została określona przez niektórych dziennikarzy mianem “a Holocaust Game”.

Brenda Romero (wcześniej Brathwaite) porzuciła na potrzeby tego projektu cyfrowy świat. I wiele uwagi zwróciła na szczegóły:

The rules are displayed and written upon a World War II Nazi typewriter. Next to breaking the glass for the installation of Train, I dreaded typing the final rules the most, but it felt like cheating to do it any other way. I typed a single set, and with that, the rules were done.
Brathwaite has created a series of games that do not take an overt position, but instead model aspects of the systems within the given phenomenon and allows players to explore a particular aspect of the Holocaust, the New World, Cromwell’s invasion of Ireland, etc.

The Mechanic is the Message: A Post Mortem in Progress Brenda Brathwaite i John Sharp
