With Fantasy World Dizzy they (Oliver Twins) came up with an ingenious answer. They broke the complete solution into a number of chapters and got their sister to record them on audiotape. This was not long after British Telecom began the 0898 premium service, which shared the cost of a call between the client-customer and BT. ‘It met our requirement perfectly and we asked Codemasters to set a line up and print the helpline number on Fantasy World Dizzy’s packaging. Months later when the game was published David told us how much the phone lines had generated. It was so successful it added up to as much money as the royalties for the game itself. Of course Codemasters then added phone numbers for all the other games and made a fortune. In fact the rest of the industry soon followed suit.’
ZA Let’s Go Dizzy! The Story of The Oliver Twins Chris Wilkins & Roger M. Kean
O tym jak kiedyś dawało się zarobić na telefonicznych solucjach do gier