Czy granie w gry wideo to dobra ścieżka zawodowa?

Rok 2007 i analiza, czy granie w gry wideo to dobra ścieżka zawodowa. Ledwie 12 lat, a YouTube+Twitch+Esport zmieniły wszystko.

Over the next three years, David Walsh, aka “Walshy,” will make at least $250,000 playing videogames. A recent addition to Major League Gaming’s competitive roster, Walshy also stands to make an additional $10,000 per tournament win, not to mention extra cash through product endorsement. Barely in his twenties, Walshy brags that he now makes more money than his parents.
But it turns out that the really big money in play for pay isn’t in tournament competition. Independent gaming consultants who advise game companies on a game’s market potential can earn upwards of $200,000 a year.
Unfortunately, the only way to become an independent game consultant is to first become a respected game reviewer for a national media outlet. That’s going to require something more than just a steady hand at the joystick.
Tom Russo, editorial director at the G4 network, claims that reviewers for G4 can earn up to $120,000 a year. Meanwhile, staff writers for game magazines can earn salaries ranging anywhere from around $30,000 to $80,000 a year depending on experience and the publication. An alternative is writing strategy guides. The pay is adequate—around a $10,000 fl at fee for a two-month project, which includes both gaming
and writing.
Machinimists who produce videos using computer games have been paid as much as $10,000 for a single project, according to Ingrid Moon, program director for
According to Ubisoft, a Frag Doll can (part of demonstration team) earn as much as $35,000 a year, depending on how much she writes and how many events she’s willing to attend.

Za: Games For Windows, Luty 2007
